Tuesday, May 26, 2009

MTV Awards!!!

Okay, so if you r totally psyched about New Moon and can't wait until August or September to see the official trailer, like me, then you should tune in on Sunday, May 31st, to watch the MTV Awards! I have Time Warner Cable, like all my friends, and MTV is on channel 20. Otherwise, srry and good luck finding that channel! Anyways, on this wonderful day, we will get not only a sneak peek of the new Transformers and Harry Potter movies, but also of.... Yes! If u guessed New Moon then u r correct! My friends and I, 6th graders, can't wait until this day.... And it's even one of my Twilighter-friends' borthday that day! OMT! CAN'T WAIT!


Twilight Lover 4Ever!

P.S. Robert (Edward), Kristen (Bella), Ashley (Alice), and Dakota (Jane) among others were already spotted in Otaly... They began filming yesterday and will be done at the end of this week!

P.P.S. Gil, who plays Billy, Jacob Balck's father, slipped out that he is "looking forward to filming Eclipse later on this year"! OMT! (again!)

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