Friday, December 5, 2008

Endangered White Tigers

Hey guys! What's up?

As you probably know, my previous post was about recycling - u know... making the world a "better place". Yeah, anyways. Another way (if you're interested) to keep our home/planet a nice place is by NOT KILLING ANIMALS! I mean, and this is just me, whenever I go to a store or I see someone wearing something that is real fur - unless it's wool - I am disgusted and become very upset. How could u wear something that contains real fur from animals because the animals were killed? If we keep doing this we won't have many gorgeous animals! Above is a picture of some white tigers; these tigers are on the brink of extinction - very endangered; almost extinct... Aren't they cute? I have seen one of these animals on one of my trips to Six Flags. It was such a beautiful and amazing creature! I would love to see another... Wouldn't you? So let's stop killing animals and actually make the world at least a prettier place! :)



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